sidlogo2.GIF - 0.5 KSt. Lawrence Institute
for the Advancement of Learning
P.O. Box 307
N.D.G. Station
Montreal, Quebec H4A 3P6


The St Lawrence Institute is presently looking for writers to contribute articles to Discourse. Interested parties should send their work to the Institute, attention: Editor, Discourse. The following guidelines are not provided to limit an author, but to avoid unnecessary delays and disappointments throughout the submission process:

We would like to encourage young or first-time writers to consider submitting to Discourse. It is an excellent forum in which to "get your feet wet" and to start building a C.V. Do not worry about your lack of experience, as we are fortunate to have an editor who enjoys working with new writers. Those interested are advised to get in touch with the editor prior to submitting for advice on how to avoid common errors. Please state your educational background, previous writing experience, proposed subject, and whether you wish to be contacted by mail or telephone.

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